University of San Francisco

Club Running


Our Mission

USFCA Club Running primary purpose is to connect student runners with each other and the greater running community. We offer organized runs at varying levels, team workouts, races, team bonding activities, and team community service. So, whether you are looking to stay in shape, find a team, or just have a relaxing activity, come out and join us for a run!

Learn more about what it means to be a Koret Club Sport at USF, below!

2024/2025 Club Officers

John Lindroos (He/Him/His)


Jay Stone (He/Him/His)

Vice President

Olivia Tarango (She/Her/Hers)


Ty Gausman (He/Him/His)

Safety Officer

Abby Enney (She/Her/Hers)

Marketing Chair

Hadley Dixon (She/Her/Hers)


"Rekindling Through Club Running"

by Elizabeth Strout, San Francisco Foghorn Newspaper

Read about our members' experience with Club Running in this article by Elizabeth Strout, Running Club member and writer for the San Francisco Foghorn, the official student newspaper of the University of San Francisco. Elizabeth goes into depth how joining Club Running has helped her reconnect with her passion for running. Through a narrative of the Fun Run, hosted by Club Running in February 2024, Elizabeth reflects on her experience with the club, and explores USF sports culture, through various interviews with other club members. 

One member remarks, "I found a home in Club Running. Your age, your grade, your experience level, none of that becomes important when you show up to practice...It becomes about setting goals for yourself, whether that’s to get more active, to break a personal record, to run your first half-marathon… and have a fun time doing it."

Read the complete article here!

Club Running Is For Everyone!

Club Running is for runners of ALL experience levels. We have members who have never run before, and members who have been running since middle school. We have members who joined to make friends, and members who love to compete. Club Running is for everyone.

At every practice, runners are encouraged to run for a distance and at a pace which is comfortable for them.  Additionally, as a runner, it is crucial that you take the time you need to rest and recover. If you stay out late, are not feeling well, or are simply run down and tired, skip practice. Although it is great seeing you, we want you to take the time you need to take care of yourself. Yes, we promote an active lifestyle, but being active can include walking up the Lone Mountain stairs. Remember to listen to your body. You might be sore after a run, but there is a big difference between being sore and being hurt, and we NEVER want you to be the latter. Please take the time to learn how you can push yourself without over working yourself.


We want to hear from you! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to DM us on Instagram @usfcarunning


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